psyco, jython, and python speed tests

Kragen Sitaker kragen at
Tue Mar 19 02:18:24 EST 2002

sandskyfly at (Sandy Norton) writes:
> o Developments like psyco should be encouraged and supported because
>   ultimately accelerating python is a good thing: it takes away one 
>   usual criticism of those who have _never tried_ to develop in 
>   python. For those who have, the productivity benefits, of course,
>   by far outweigh any so-called 'performance' issues.

This is unjustifiably glib.  Lots of programs don't need to run fast.
Some programs do need to run fast.  Some programs justify significant
work to get them to run fast.  Accelerating Python is a good thing not
because of "so-called 'performance issues", but because in some cases,
there really *are* performance issues that rule Python out.

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