Python hits the spot

d2002xx d2002xx at
Sun Jun 23 04:31:12 EDT 2002

John Hunter <jdhunter at> wrote in message > unix> at now +6min
> at> killall myprog
> at> CTRL-d                # Hit Control and D together
> unix> ./myprog

There is a faster method named SAK in linux, it can kill any processes
in current console (i.e. also kill X-window)

the document is in:


Be careful:
The command is executed by kernel and send SIGKILL signal to kill
processes, the signal can't be caught, so the process killed may lost
some things such as working files which was not saved. And you can't
use it with enabling the virtual screen in X-windows (I think few
people use it, most people use virtual desktop instead).
Also, if you start X-window in the first console, some daemons may be
killed, it's something boring...... (although I have not tested)

Good luck!

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