printing on the browser

Peter Hansen peter at
Sun Jun 23 14:55:06 EDT 2002

"Ivan J." wrote:
> This is actually cgi quesion, but ...
> Is there a way to print both HTML and IMAGE parts using:
> >>>print "Conent-type: ...",
> statement, if not is there any other way to create web page with text
> and images without savingimages onto disk?
> Thank you!

The question is very unclear.  Are you really talking about 
"printing" as in sending data to a printer, with real paper
and all?  It doesn't look that way...

I guess you're talking about create a web page which has
both text and images embedded in it.  Basically, the answer
is No, you cannot do that.  (There are some sort of exceptions
if you talk about leading edge stuff with embedded SVG graphics,
but that's not relevant to your situation I think.)

Can you clarify a little (actually, a lot :-)?


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