Help with Black Adder...

rapskat rapskat at
Fri Jun 7 00:16:38 EDT 2002

Greetings All.  I'm just getting started with python and I chose Black
Adder as a RAD IDE.  Since my background is (ugh!) VB, I'm used to the
whole Top Down IDE thing.

My questions are:

1) I am having problems with BA not finding the PyQT libs.  I installed
both from the rpm's (I'm using RH 7.3).  But when I start BA it gives me
an error that it couldn't find the PyQT modules and that they won't be
available for the session.  I've tried removing them and reinstalling to
no avail.  I've run ldconfig as well.  Has anyone ele seen anything like
this and any ideas on how to resolve it?

2) Are there any good printed books out there for development swith BA and
PyQT?  I have Deitel's "Python - How To Program" which is really excellent
and comprehensive, however I was looking for something more specific to
development within BA itself.

I have briefly parsed the
documentation, but it seems to be more of a generic compilation of the
different elemnts than product specific instructions.

Any assistance that anyone could give I would really appreciate it.  I
already have like 3 projects that I want to tackle with this puppy, so I'm
really eager to get started.

Thanks in advance! :-)

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lovin' livin' the linux life

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