Writing to Excel

Chris chouster at uclink4.berkeley.edu
Wed Jun 19 15:51:16 EDT 2002

Hi I'm using a Python cgi script to write the contents of a table to
an Excel sheet. I retrieve all the information fine but it seems like
Excel doesnt want to print more than one line for me. It prints
'headerLine' but nothing more. Why???

headerLine = "some crap"

sys.stdout.write( Html.header( 'application/x-msexcel' ) )
print string.strip(headerLine)
allText = ""

# set allText = "some other crap"

print allText

Im dismayed that this only will print the first print line I specified
to the Excel page. The Html module is a proven-to-work module I've
obtained so I'm 99.99% sure that's not the problem. I'm using the
latest version of python, winNT, and using IE Explorer 5.5.



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