[OT] Antispamming the email address

Christos TZOTZIOY Georgiou DLNXPEGFQVEB at spammotel.com
Tue Jun 11 11:45:26 EDT 2002

On Tue, 11 Jun 2002 07:12:06 -0700, rumours say that "David LeBlanc"
<whisper at oz.net> might have written:

[Nicola Larosa commenting on my base64 encrypting of my real email addr]

>I think both of them are too easy to programatically detect and unwind. Even
>"fred_nospam_ at some.org is only going to have a limited deterrent lifetime.

I used to have it rot13 encrypted to no avail, as it seemed.  It was
here on the python list that I saw sb else encoding their email address
with base64, can't remember who it was though, so it was not my idea but
I liked it, and I think that, although easy to decode once you get the
idea, it would need human intervention, so I'll drink to the
spamming-list-collector that will bother, and let them spam me once (I
administrate my company's network, and I try to improvise a lot to
reject spam during their delivery (before the message is received :) )
before they become inexistant, e-mail-wise.

Phew! a long sentence, if I've seen one.  No wonder I always liked
'Catch-22'.  At least I was on topic (re the subject, which is OT)
throughout the sentence!
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best,
Real email address: 'dHpvdEBzaWwtdGVjLmdy\n'.decode('base64')

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