Suggestions for good programming practices?

Aahz aahz at
Mon Jun 24 23:16:02 EDT 2002

In article <mailman.1024951532.5616.python-list at>,
David LeBlanc <whisper at> wrote:
>> When evaluating whether a variable is None, don't compare it like this:
>> 	if x == None:
>> instead, use:
>> 	if x:
>> or:
>> 	if not x:
>> The encourages a polymorphic approach.  If you must compare to
>> None, use the identify operator rather than equality:
>> 	if x is None:
>> or:
>> 	if x is not None:
>I'm curious to know how this encourages polymorphism, and how making a
>conditional test implicit rather then explicit is good practice?

Depends on what you're testing for.  One of the big features of Python's
object model is that any "empty" object tests as false: None, 0, "", (),
[], and {}.  Testing for a specific false value (such as 0 or None)
prevents you from easily changing the object being used.  Rely on the
object to tell you whether it's true or false, and you'll be fine.

That's polymorphic.
Aahz (aahz at           <*>

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