OT: Hayes AT commands (was Re: Dialing out on MODEM)

Beej Jørgensen beej at piratehaven.org
Fri Jun 28 17:55:32 EDT 2002

In article <Xns923BE7FFF29D3cliechtigmxnet at>,
Chris Liechti  <cliechti at gmx.net> wrote:
>somtimes it it's a '\r\n' and maybe you need to send the escape sequence 
>first, to enter the command mode. if i remember correctly thats 3 times ESC 
>and then wait 100ms or so.

Not really python anymore, but it's actually '+++' (three plusses) if
_I_ remember correctly. 8-)  And I'm pretty sure it's longer than
100ms...but this is just my guess from waiting for the 'OK' after
sending.  Maybe 500-800ms.  In any case, 'OK' should appear after some
time of no activity after sending '+++'.


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