
Chris Gonnerman chris.gonnerman at
Sun Jun 2 17:40:09 EDT 2002

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gold Fish" <occeanlinux at>

> What i would achieved is that I got the list of elements 
> say that 10 elements in the list, i want to seperate 
> this list into 2,or 3 sublists depends on user input the 
> number. Then these subject contain the number of 
> elements say 2, or 3 depend on user define. How can i do 
> this. For example. 
> BigList = [e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7]
> this will be divided into 4 small sublists which is 
> sublist1,sublist2,sublist3,sublist4.These sublists will 
> have maximum of 2 elements inside therefore, sublist1 = 
> [e1,e2], sublist2=[e3,e4],sublist3=[e5,e6] and sublist7=
> [e7]
> I would appreciate that you could help me this problem. 
> I spend so much time to think about it but it's look 
> like i stuck in the maze when trying to divide biglist 
> into small list and small list to nano list. 

Given a list of unknown size, subdividing it into sublists
could go like this:

    Lists = []
    N = 2

    for i in range(len(BigList)/N):

so that given your BigList:

    BigList = [e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7]

the result is:

    [['e1', 'e2'], ['e3', 'e4'], ['e5', 'e6']]

Note that e7 is missed; if the list you are subdividing 
does not divide evenly by N, an adjustment must be made:

    Lists = []
    N = 2

    adj = 0

    if len(BigList)%N:
        adj = 1

    for i in range(len(BigList)/N+adj):

(If anyone knows a more elegant solution please post it,
as I am getting headaches trying to think of one.)

Chris Gonnerman -- chris.gonnerman at

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