Behavior of += (was Re: [Python-Dev] Customization docs)

Donn Cave donn at
Tue Jun 4 13:51:15 EDT 2002

Quoth Chris Barker <Chris.Barker at>:
| Huaiyu Zhu wrote:
|> Great explanation!  The problem stems from the fact that the current +=
|> operator implements two semantically distinct operations, chosen according
|> to some properties of the operands.
| exactly, and it wa kind of a weird decision. Personally, I feel the only
| compelling reason to add The += (and friends) operator was to support
| in-place addition, most notably for Numeric arrays. Frankly it ought to
| just be disallowed for non-mutable types, but all the folks that want it
| for integers would scream. to be honest, I've kind of lost track of why
| it is a good idea for numbers to be immutable, but that's another topic!

That would be almost as cool as the old implementations of FORTRAN
where you could change the value of 1.

|> I'd imagine that at some future time there would be a desire to split += to
|> two distinct operators, one for true in-place operator and one for the fake
|> one currently implemented for immutables.  That would remove the spurious
|> exceptions for mutable members of immutable structures.
| Do we really need a new notation? is a = a + b so bad?

No, it's fine.

| ... In fact, are the
| current semantics of += s bad, or should this bug just be fixed?

Not really - the current semantics are actually better than the fixed
version, inasmuch as they are at least consistent.  As I interpret the
proposal, the fixed += would sometimes work without rebinding (if the
object supports it) and sometimes would be an assignment (falling back
to +.)  To me, to allow an object to dictate its relationship to its
computational environment like that is anathema.

| By the way, the += and friends operators also cause similar confusion
| with name scopes in functions, += is assumed to be a re-bind, when it
| isn't necessarily intended to:
| >>> l = [1,2,3]
| >>> def test():
| ...     l += [4]
| ... 
| >>> test()
| Traceback (most recent call last):
|   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
|   File "<stdin>", line 2, in test
| UnboundLocalError: local variable 'l' referenced before assignment
| but:
| >>> def test2():
| ...     l.extend([4])
| >>> test2()
| >>> l
| [1, 2, 3, 5]
| Works just fine. Perhaps  Huaiyu is right, we need different operators.
| However, then the operator for incrementing a non-mutable would just be
| a synonym for a = a + b, which looks like unnecessary syntactical sugar
| to me.


	Donn Cave, donn at

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