calldll with error handling

Peteris Martinsons peteris_martinsons at
Mon Jun 3 08:20:38 EDT 2002

I have modified the calldll code to handle GPF messages when foreign
function is called with incorrect parameters. Instead of throwing GPF
it raises Python SystemException which can be catched and dealed with.

Question: can it cause delayed problems due to stack corruption etc?
As far as I have tested it, repeatedly calling WinAPI functions with
incorrect parameter types, it does not crash Python nor cause delayed

Source code of the modified module provided below (MSVC 6). Change are
in lines 106-132 and 161-163.

// -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4 -*-
//	Author: Sam Rushing <rushing at>

#include <windows.h>

/* Define this if you want to keep track of <membuf> allocation */

#include "Python.h"

static PyObject *calldll_module_error;

/* It'd be nice to use __declspec (thread), but it doesn't work with
 * DLL's */

DWORD thread_state_tls_index;

#define FETCH_THREAD_STATE() ( (PyThreadState *) TlsGetValue
(thread_state_tls_index) )
#define STORE_THREAD_STATE(value) ( TlsSetValue
(thread_state_tls_index, ((LPVOID)value)) )

/* This is used by trampolines created by the gencb module, in place
 * of a normal call to PyEval_CallObject */

PyObject *
thread_safe_call_object (PyObject * fun, PyObject * args)
  PyObject * result;

  PyEval_RestoreThread (FETCH_THREAD_STATE());

  result = PyEval_CallObject (fun, args);

  STORE_THREAD_STATE (PyEval_SaveThread());

  return result;

// adapated from MIT Scheme, 7.3, microcode/ntgui.c.

static long
call_ff_really (long function_address,
				char * arg_format_string,
				PyObject * arg_tuple,
				long * result_addr)
	/*	use a struct for locals that live across the foreign function call
		so that their position in the stack is the right end of the stack
		frame with respect to the stacked C arguments */
	struct {
	  long c_args[30];
	  long old_esp;
	} local;
	long result;

	/*	We save the stack pointer and restore it because the called
		may pop the arguments (pascal/__stdcall) or expect us to (__cdecl).

	/*	The stack pointer is saved in a static variable so that we can
		it if the compiler does SP-relative addressing with a broken SP */
	/*	The implication is that things will break if this gets
		This will happen if the foreign function directly or indirectly 
		allows a Scheme interrupt to be processed (eg by calling as scheme
		function with interrupts enabled and that function gets rescheduled
		in the threads package. */
	static long saved_esp;
	  long *arg_sp = &local.c_args[10];
	  long	funadd = function_address;

	  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (arg_tuple,
							 &local.c_args[29])) {
		return 0;

	  STORE_THREAD_STATE (PyEval_SaveThread());

	  arg_sp = &local.c_args[10];
	  local.old_esp = saved_esp;
	  //try-except block to deal GPFs.
			  // Important: The order of these instructions guards against
			  // stack pointer relative addressing.
			  mov	eax, dword ptr [funadd]
			  mov	dword ptr [saved_esp], esp
			  mov	esp, dword ptr [arg_sp]
			  call	eax
			  mov	esp, dword ptr [saved_esp]
			  mov	dword ptr [result], eax
			saved_esp = local.old_esp;
			PyEval_RestoreThread (FETCH_THREAD_STATE());
			*result_addr = result;
			return 1;

		result = NULL;
		PyEval_RestoreThread (FETCH_THREAD_STATE());
		*result_addr = result;
		return 0;


PyObject *
call_foreign_function (PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
  long function_address;
  char * arg_format_string;
  char * result_format_string;
  PyObject * arg_tuple;
  long result;

  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "lssO",
						 &arg_tuple)) {
	return NULL;
  } else {
	long status;

	status = call_ff_really (function_address, arg_format_string,
arg_tuple, &result);

	if (!status) {
	  PyErr_SetString (PyExc_SystemError, "system exception in called
function, check parameters");
	  return NULL;

	} else {
	  return Py_BuildValue (result_format_string, result);

static PyObject *
py_load_library (PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
  LPCTSTR name;
  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "s", &name)) {
	return NULL;
  } else {
	return Py_BuildValue ("l", ::LoadLibrary (name));

static PyObject *
py_get_module_handle (PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
  LPCTSTR name;
  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "s", &name)) {
	return NULL;
  } else {
	return Py_BuildValue ("l", ::GetModuleHandle (name));

static PyObject *
py_free_library (PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
  HMODULE dll_handle;
  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "l", &dll_handle)) {
	return NULL;
  } else {
	return Py_BuildValue ("i", (int) ::FreeLibrary (dll_handle));

static PyObject *
py_get_proc_address (PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
  HMODULE dll_handle;
  LPCSTR proc_name;
  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "ls", &dll_handle, &proc_name)) {
	return NULL;
  } else {
	return Py_BuildValue ("l", (long) ::GetProcAddress (dll_handle,

static PyObject *
py_read_long (PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
  void * address;

  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "l", &address)) {
	return NULL;
  } else {
	return Py_BuildValue ("l", *((long *)address));

static PyObject *
py_read_byte (PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
  void * address;

  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "l", &address)) {
	return NULL;
  } else {
	return Py_BuildValue ("b", *((char *)address));

static PyObject *
py_read_string (PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
  void * address;
  int length = 0;

  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "l|i", &address, &length)) {
	return NULL;
  } else if (length == 0) {
	return Py_BuildValue ("s", (char *)address);
  } else {
	return Py_BuildValue ("s#", (char *)address, length);

// ===========================================================================
// memory buffer objects
// ===========================================================================

typedef struct {
	void *	buffer;
	size_t	size;
    int allocated;
} membuf_object;

unsigned int membuf_allocated;
unsigned int membuf_freed;
#include <stdio.h>

static void
membuf_object_dealloc(membuf_object * m_obj)
  if (m_obj->allocated) {
	membuf_freed += m_obj->size;
	free (m_obj->buffer);

static PyObject *
membuf_read_method (membuf_object * self,
					PyObject * args)
  unsigned int offset = 0;
  unsigned int size = 0;
  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "|ii", &offset, &size)) {

  if ((offset + size) > self->size) {
	PyErr_SetString (PyExc_ValueError, "offset+size is larger than
	return NULL;
  } else {
	return Py_BuildValue ("s#", ((char *)(self->buffer)) + offset, size ?
size : self->size);

static PyObject *
membuf_write_method (membuf_object * self,
					 PyObject * args)
  int offset=0;
  unsigned int length=0;
  int string_length;
  char * data;

  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "s#|ii", &data, &string_length,
&offset, &length)) {
  } else if (length == 0) {
	length = string_length;

  if (length > self->size) {
	PyErr_SetString (PyExc_ValueError, "input string size is larger than
	return NULL;
  } else {
	memcpy (((char *)(self->buffer))+offset, data, length);
	Py_INCREF (Py_None);
	return (Py_None);

static PyObject *
membuf_size_method (membuf_object * self,
					PyObject * args)
  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "")) {
	return NULL;
  } else {
	return Py_BuildValue ("i", self->size);

static PyObject *
membuf_address_method (membuf_object * self,
					   PyObject * args)
  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "")) {
	return NULL;
  } else {
	return Py_BuildValue ("l", (long)(self->buffer));

static struct PyMethodDef membuf_object_methods[] = {
  {"read",		(PyCFunction)	membuf_read_method,		1},
  {"write",		(PyCFunction)	membuf_write_method,	1},
  {"size",		(PyCFunction)	membuf_size_method,		1},
  {"address",	(PyCFunction)	membuf_address_method,	1},
  {"__int__",	(PyCFunction)	membuf_address_method,	1},
  {NULL,		NULL}		/* sentinel */

static PyObject *
membuf_object_getattr(membuf_object * self, char * name)
  return Py_FindMethod (membuf_object_methods, (PyObject *)self,

static PyTypeObject membuf_object_type = {
	0,							// ob_size
	"membuf",					// tp_name
	sizeof(membuf_object), 		// tp_size
	0,							// tp_itemsize
	// methods
	(destructor) membuf_object_dealloc,// tp_dealloc
	0,							// tp_print
	(getattrfunc) membuf_object_getattr, // tp_getattr
	0,							// tp_setattr
	0,							// tp_compare
	0,							// tp_repr
	0,							// tp_as_number

static PyObject *
new_membuf_object (PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
  membuf_object * m_obj;
  void * address = NULL;
  int size;

  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "i|l", &size, &address)) {
	return NULL;
  } else {
	m_obj = PyObject_NEW (membuf_object, &membuf_object_type);

	if (!m_obj) {
	  PyErr_SetString (PyExc_MemoryError, "couldn't allocate memory for
buffer object");
	  return NULL;
	if (address) {
	  /* we want a pointer into existing memory */
	  m_obj->allocated = 0;
	  m_obj->buffer = address;
	  m_obj->size = size;
	  return (PyObject *) m_obj;
	} else {
	  /* we want a new memory buffer */
	  void * buffer = (void *) malloc (size);

	  if (!buffer) {
		PyErr_SetString (PyExc_MemoryError, "couldn't allocate memory for
		PyMem_DEL (m_obj);
		return NULL;
	  } else {
		membuf_allocated += size;
		m_obj->allocated = 1;
		m_obj->size = size;
		m_obj->buffer = buffer;
		return (PyObject *) m_obj;

static PyObject *
membuf_allocation (PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "")) {
	return NULL;
  } else {
	return Py_BuildValue ("ll", membuf_allocated, membuf_freed);

// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================

/* List of functions exported by this module */
static struct PyMethodDef calldll_functions[] = {
  {"call_foreign_function",	(PyCFunction) call_foreign_function,1},
  {"load_library",			(PyCFunction) py_load_library,		1},
  {"free_library",			(PyCFunction) py_free_library,		1},
  {"get_module_handle",		(PyCFunction) py_get_module_handle, 1},  
  {"get_proc_address",		(PyCFunction) py_get_proc_address,	1},
  {"read_long",				(PyCFunction) py_read_long,			1},
  {"read_byte",				(PyCFunction) py_read_byte,			1},
  {"read_string",			(PyCFunction) py_read_string,		1},
  {"membuf",				(PyCFunction) new_membuf_object,	1},
  {"membuf_allocation",		(PyCFunction) membuf_allocation,	1},
  {NULL,			NULL}		 /* Sentinel */

extern "C"

__declspec(dllexport) void initcalldll(void)
	PyObject *dict, *module;
	module = Py_InitModule ("calldll", calldll_functions);
	dict = PyModule_GetDict (module);
	calldll_module_error = PyString_FromString ("calldll error");
	PyDict_SetItemString (dict, "error", calldll_module_error);

	/* initialize our thread local storage index */
	thread_state_tls_index = TlsAlloc();

	/* This is not actually needed, we could just use
	   calldll.get_proc_address to get them! */

	PyDict_SetItemString (
	  Py_BuildValue (
		/* &PyEval_CallObject */ /* OR */ &thread_safe_call_object

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