Darrell dgallion1 at
Tue Jun 25 09:31:33 EDT 2002

I've spent very little time with it. Just made it work and that's why
I love it. I use MSC 6 and the following, which I got from
Alex M. at the activestate python cookbook.

from distutils.core import setup, Extension
setup (name = "",
       version = "1.0",
       maintainer = "",
       maintainer_email = "",
       description = "Sample Python module",
       ext_modules = [Extension('tcb',sources=['tcb.c','tcbBase.c'])]

tcbBase.c has the detailed 'c' code and tcb.pyx has the interface.

cdef extern int openTcbC(int readTimeOut)
cdef extern int writeTcbC(char *cmdData, unsigned int cmdLen)
cdef extern char *readTcbC(unsigned int *bytesRead)
cdef extern PyString_FromStringAndSize(char *v,  int len)
cdef extern int closeTcb()

def open(int readTimeOut):
    return openTcbC(readTimeOut)

def write(data):
    return writeTcbC(data, len(data))

def read():
    cdef unsigned int bytesRead
    cdef char *s
    p=PyString_FromStringAndSize(s, bytesRead)
    return p

def close():

This batch builds it all

python \python22\ tcb.pyx build
copy C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\Pyrex\Demos\build\lib.win32-2.2\*.pyd

#Yes I built in the demo directory :(


edlsoft at (Burt Leavenworth) wrote in message news:<3d1749d3.19107439 at>...
> Has anyone installed Pyrex on Windows? If so, can you share the
> details?
> Burt

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