system-output to wxpython-window

Klaus Reinhardt K.Rdt at TU-Berlin.DE
Thu Jun 27 03:46:38 EDT 2002

Am 26.06.02 15:27:51, schrieb "Roman Yakovenko" <romany at>:

>Also I think after a few minutes of running this code you will want to write multi threading. 
>It is also simple. I have working example. I think exactly what you need. 

Can you give me an example. I read the
doc and tried this ..

import sys,os,thread
# y=thread.start_new_thread("c:\\windows\\netstat.exe","-a -n tcp 20")
y=thread.start_new_thread("dir","-a -n tcp 20")

but it naturally -) doesn't work.

		K at Rdt

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