Eleições Brasileiras/Brasilian Election

Francisco Miguel Colaço fcolaco at demnet.ubi.pt
Sat Jun 22 05:44:17 EDT 2002

On Sat, 22 Jun 2002 01:40:12 +0100, KEVIN MITNICK wrote:

> O que um governo corrupto é capaz de fazer pra manter-se no poder?!
> TUDO:manipulação da imprensa, da economia, das pesquisas eleitorais,
> mentiras e falsas acusações são apenas alguns dos expedientes usados
> por FHC e sua equipe (de corruptos) pra manter-se no poder.
> Acordem brasileiros. Não podemos deixar que esse terrorista social
> volte a eleger os seus. Basta!Vamos dar uma resposta nas urnas! Vamos
> dar uma chance a esquerda. Vamos eleger LULA pra presidente!!! 
> What a corrupt goverment is capable to make to keep the power itself?!
> EVERYTHING:manipulation of press, of economy, of electoral research,
> lies and false accusation are just some  resources used
> by FHC and his team (of corrupts) to keep the power themselves.
> Brasilians wake up. We can't let this social terrorist elect his
> friends again. That's enough!Let's give an answer in the elections.
> Let's give a chance to Left Hand. Let's elect LULA for president of Brazil.

I think this is the function you want:

if government_is corrupt:
  manipulate (press, economy, poles)
  say (lies, false_accusations)

  def rotate_corrupts (scoundrel, color):
    elect (scroundel, color)

  rotate_corrupts ('Lula da Silva', 'red')
Thanks for recurring to the python help desk.

  FHC (Francisco Honório Colaço, actually)

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