Win32/Python serial port event character problem

Chris Liechti cliechti at
Sat Jun 29 16:38:17 EDT 2002

Derek Basch <dbasch at> wrote in 
news:mailman.1025380000.22796.python-list at

> Sorry to post this again but it didn't get any
> responses. Maybe better luck this time.

well 14hrs isn't that much time on a weekend... some people only look into 
news once per week.

> I use the following code to read data from the serial
> port when a certain event character ('\n') is
> received:
> Has anyone ever dealt with this? Is using the event
> character not a reliable method in windows?

no sorry, i haven't used the event mode.

> This is driving me batty so any help is greatly
> appreciated.

<shaemles plug>
my tip is: use

and read the characters in a separate receiver thread. that thread can then 
trigger on any character or sequence (e.g. using a Queue to communicate 
with other threads)
</shaemles plug>

Chris <cliechti at>

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