How to distribute py-scripts on windows without requiring the full ActivaState package

DV dunklervater at
Mon Jun 17 15:51:11 EDT 2002


A couple of years ago, I experimented with Python on Linux, but
somehow got out of touch.

Just recently I discovered, that there is a pretty comprehensive
Windows-Version for it that even supports pure windows-stuff such as
COM or Win32API.

Yet, I found out that the ActiveState package is very large to
download and install, so this leads me to the question(s):

1)Is there some way to distribute a script by maybe bundling it
with python.exe and python.dll, delivering these three files ONLY (and
of course any .py library files that calls) and not requiring
the recipient to download and install the whole ActiveState package?

2)Are there different versions of python.exe and python.dll? What I
would find useful was, if there was ONE version of
python.exe&python.dll that only could be used for console stuff, so
you wouldn´t have such big files to distribute along with, and
another one for true GUI-stuff

3)Concerning COM and other heftier Win32 dependend stuff, or anything
that python needs a third-party dll for to use: Can the necessary dll
be bundled along with python.exe, python.dll and, just as
mentioned in 1)?

Mind, I would´t want to distribute stuff as a single EXE. I could live
with having to distribute more than one file, but I would very much
like it, if an end user receiving my script would´t have to install
the whole ActiveState package.

I could imagine that one weak point about this is, that i have read
somewhere that dlls must be registered before they are usable, but I
also read that this is possible by using rundll.exe or some other
Windows system program manually. If so, the registering process could
be done by a .BAT file.

As for the harddisk-space penalty of havin more than one python.exe
and python.dll (one for each distributed script), this is the reason
why I asked, whether a console version exists: If it did exist, you
could do the GUI by designing a HTML-page that drives it.

Sorry, if this posting appears twice under different topics, if so, it
is most likely a temporary fault of, through which I posted

I would appreciate any info on this matter.

Thank you in advance,

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