Interrupting a continuous script

Christopher Armstrong radix at
Mon Jun 3 08:47:21 EDT 2002

>>>>> "Julian" == Julian Gollop <julian.gollop at> writes:

    Julian> I have a few programs continually processing text files on a Linux
    Julian> machine.  Occasionally I need to stop them, but I don't want to use
    Julian> a keyboard interrupt because it may cause the script to stop in the
    Julian> middle of doing something.  Does anyone know a simple way to allow
    Julian> me to stop the process by pressing a key on the keyboard - without
    Julian> stopping inside something crucial?

    Julian> Julian.

>>> import signal
>>> def handleBreak(sig, frame):
...     print "I caught a break!"
>>> signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handleBreak)
<built-in function default_int_handler>
>>> while 1: pass
I caught a break!
I caught a break!
I caught a break!

(I pressed C-c 3 times)

Your handleBreak method should set a flag somewhere so your processing
code knows it should stop and clean up whenever it gets the chance.

In case you're considering just catching KeyboardInterrupt exception: don't.
It's not the same as using a signal handler, bacause it will still interrupt
execution and jump to your 'except' block. (with signals, after running thi
handler, it goes back to the code it was running last)
                                Chris Armstrong
                         << radix at >>

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