pygoogle search restricted by date

Lutz Schroeer ifls at
Mon Jun 3 08:19:32 EDT 2002

Hi Pythonistas,

The Goolge API doc tells me that I can restrict my search to a specific date
range using "daterange:<date1>-<date2>" where date1 and date2 are Julian Day
Numbers. I put the term in the restrict part auf the doGoogleSearch function
(-> code snippet). Nevertheless I'm getting the same results.

Any hints?



import google
from mx.DateTime import *

today = int(now().jdn)
yesterday = today - 1

restrict_query = 'daterange:%d-%d' % (yesterday, today)

data = google.doGoogleSearch('python', restrict = restrict_query)
for x in data.results:
  print x.title, x.URL


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