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Hans Nowak wurmy at
Fri Jun 28 11:33:01 EDT 2002

Neil Hodgson wrote:

>    I suspect that a Python interpreter could be built out of a set of
> Outlook message processing rules although I wouldn't be the one to volunteer
> to do it whereas I will volunteer to do the Excel port if it should ever be
> needed.

Cool! OutlookPython! I can see the ads now...

"Virus developers! Are you tired of having to use a shoddy language like VB for 
your products? Then upgrade now to OutlookPython! Combining all the prized 
features of Outlook(TM) with a real programming language, including:
- improved standard library makes reading mailboxes a breeze!
- attach any file with just one function call!
- reuse code to build your own virus library!
- excellent introspection features allow for self-modifying code!
- as an additional bonus, network features even allow for DoS attacks!

Register now!"

Hans (base64.decodestring('d3VybXlAZWFydGhsaW5rLm5ldA=='))
# decode for email address ;-)
The Pythonic Quarter::

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