bloody freshman question regarding strings

Christian Guenther chris at
Sun Jun 23 04:35:51 EDT 2002

Hi folks,

I'm absolutely new to python - also I'm not a beginner in programming.
I bought myself a book called "Einführung in python" - should be
"introduction to python" in the original - by Markus Lutz and David
Asher published by O'Reilly. This book is good, nevertheless I'm a bit
in a hurry because I have to write a script that is supposed to populate
an LDAP-directory for user-authentication. 
By the way: Is there a module for python -> ldap? 

My biggest question at the moment is why can't I do something like this:

def mailmsg(severity message opts target recipient):
	# first create the message body
	msgbody="computer: " + COMPUTER + "\n
	         system:   " + SYSTEMTYPE + "\n
		 cpu:      " + CPUTYPE + "\n
		 kernel:   " + KERNELVER + "\n
		 date:     " + DATE + "\n
		 severity: " + severity + "\n
		 message:  " + message + "\n\n"

I want to generate messages - to concole and to mail-recipients - that
show the status of user-processing. This message should include all the
information you see above - they are stored in global vars - a severity
and of course a message itself. Let alone, it just doesn't work and I
know I do this in a nodo way, I just don't have alot of time left ;-)

Could someone point me to the right direction????


 __    __  __     __  __ ___    ___                      
|  |  |  ||  \   |  ||  |\  \  /  /              chris Guenther
|  |  |  ||   \  |  ||  | \  \/  /               chris at
|  |  |  ||  . \ |  ||  |  >    <                Wuppertal / Germany
|  |__|  ||  |\ \|  ||  | /  /\  \  
 \______/ |__| \____||__|/__/  \__\ 

UNIX _IS_ user friendly, it's just selective about who its friends are
  UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, 
  because that would also stop you from doing clever things.
                                                         ...Doug Gwyn

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