For and Dates

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Thu Jun 13 13:30:01 EDT 2002

"Marcus Vinicius Laranjeira" wrote:

> I need to do a loop that goes from 2002-6-1 to 2002-7-31, but I don't know
> how to do that...
> Is there a way to do such range using for !?
> Do you have any suggestions !?

if you can live with a while-loop, here's one (rather
simple-minded) way to do it:

    import time

    now = time.mktime((2002, 6, 1) + (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
    end = time.mktime((2002, 7, 31) + (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

    while now <= end:
        y, m, d = time.localtime(now)[:3]
        # do something with y, m, d
        print y, m, d
        now = now + 86400

here's another one:

    import calendar

    def tomorrow((year, month, day)):
        weekday, mdays = calendar.monthrange(year, month)
        day = day + 1
        if day > mdays:
            day = 1
            month = month + 1
            if month > 12:
                month = 1
                year = year + 1
        return year, month, day

    now = 2002, 6, 1

    while now <= (2002, 7, 31):
        y, m, d = now
        # do something with y, m, d
        print y, m, d
        now = tomorrow(now)

if you really need to use a for-in loop, and you're using
Python 2.2, it's straightforward to convert either of these
to use a generator instead:

    from __future__ import generators


    def dayrange(now, end):
        while now <= end:
            yield now
            now = tomorrow(now)

    for y, m, d in dayrange((2002, 6, 1), (2002, 7, 31)):
        # do something with y, m, d
        print y, m, d


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