ANN: PySQLite 0.2.0 Released

Michael Owens owensmk at
Sun Jun 2 20:36:51 EDT 2002

    pysqlite - Extension module for SQLite databases.

    A Python-DB API 2.0 compliant extension module that connects to
    SQLite databases.

    SQLite is a powerful, embedded relational database in a compact C 
    library. It supports a large subset of SQL92, multiple tables and indices,  
    transactions, and triggers. It has a simple C/C++ interface requiring only        
    three functions to perform queries. It has TCL bindings and an ODBC   
    driver. Sources are uncopyrighted and can be used for any purpose. More 
    information can be found at <>.

    import sqlite

    conn = sqlite.connect("db")
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    SQL = """ select category, family, genus, species
              from calflora order by genus, species limit 10"""


    for col in cursor.description:
            print "\t %12s - %3s bytes" % (col[0], repr(col[3]))

    row = cursor.fetchone()

    while row != None:
            print "%14s, %15s, %19s, %8s, %25s" % tuple(row)
            row = cursor.fetchone()

    SQL = "insert into calflora (family,genus,species) values(%s,%s,%s)"
    cursor.execute(SQL, ('itchus', 'ivious', 'posionious')) 



    Linux(source) and Windows (binary) downloads are available at 

    Gerhard Häring <haering_postgresql at>
    Michael Owens <mike at>
    William Trenker <wtrenker at>


The following are changes and enhancements since the last release:

  - Two new project members whose work has made this release.
  - General code cleanup.
  - Lots of bugfixes.
  - Support for SQL NULL.
  - Changed parameter quoting style from 'format' to nicer 'pyformat' style.
  - Much better DB-API 2.0 compliance.
  - Much improved documentation.
  - A 'smart' result set class that allows the columns in a row to be accessed     
    by name (either dictionary-like or attribute-like) additional to list-like
  - Reworked examples using the new features. One additional example for
    mass-importing data from an XML file.
  - Unicode support.
  - SQLite is typeless. We added a possibility to overcome this limitation.  
    The types int, float, str and unicode are supported by default, but you    
    can add user-defined types.
  - User-defined SQL functions and aggregates can be programmed in Python (!)
     and registered to the connection.
  - Better error handling and error messages.
  - An extensive test suite.
  - A homepage with preliminary documentation
  - A users' mailing list.
  - win32 binaries

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