Using calldll with mciSendString

Nikolai Kirsebom nikolai at
Wed Jun 19 18:46:44 EDT 2002

Got the first part working.  Problem was the name of function is not
"mciSendString" but "mciSendStringA".  Below part which works.  Still
working on the callback stuff.

from dynwin import windll
winmm = windll.module('winmm')

def Send(s, cb=None):
    bufIn=array.array('c', s + '\0')
    bufOut=array.array('c', '\0' * 128)
    ret=windll.calldll.call_foreign_function(mciSendString, 'wwLL', 'l',
                                             (bufIn, bufOut, 128L, 0L))
    s = bufOut.tostring()
    if s.index('\0') > 0:
        s = s[0:s.index('\0')]
        s = ""
    return (ret, s)

"Nikolai Kirsebom" <nikolai at> wrote in message
news:nNOP8.3825$yj7.62301 at
> I'm trying to use the windll/calldll module to access the mciSendString
> (winmm.dll) function.  One of the parameters to the function is a string
> containing returned information.  I'm using wxPython as GUI to show a AVI
> MPEG movie (in a wxPanel).  The play command may be given a 'notify' flag,
> which results in the player calling back to notify when movie is finished.
> The last parameter to the mciSendString is a HANDLE (hwndCallback).
> Can someone give an example how to retreive the returned information and
> also how I set up the callback.
> Thanks
> Nikolai Kirsebom

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