
Delaney, Timothy tdelaney at
Thu Jun 13 22:53:03 EDT 2002

Designed to minimise external factors ...

def filter2 (test, l):
    l1 = filter(test, l)
    l2 = filter(lambda x, test=test: not test(x), l)
    return l1, l2

def filter2t (test, l):
    l1 = []
    l2 = []
    funcs = (l1.append, l2.append,)
    map(lambda x: funcs[not test(x)](x), l)
    return l1, l2

def filter2l (test, l):
    l1 = []
    l2 = []
    funcs = [l1.append, l2.append,]
    map(lambda x: funcs[not test(x)](x), l)
    return l1, l2

def filter3t (test, l):
    l1 = []
    l2 = []
    map(lambda x, test=test, funcs=(l1.append, l2.append,): funcs[not
test(x)](x), l)
    return l1, l2

def filter3l (test, l):
    l1 = []
    l2 = []
    map(lambda x, test=test, funcs=[l1.append, l2.append,]: funcs[not
test(x)](x), l)
    return l1, l2

def test (x):
    return not (x % 3)    

def bench (f, r, l, t=test):
    import time
    clock = time.clock

        start = clock()
        for i in r:
            f(t, l)
        t = clock() - start
        print '%-10s %s' % (func.__name__ + ':', t,)
    except NameError:

r = range(1000)
l = range(1000)
filters = (filter2, filter2t, filter2l, filter3t, filter3l,)

for func in filters:
    bench(func, r, l)

Python 1.5.2 ...

filter2:   5.0598633013
filter3t:  4.76191299505
filter3l:  4.37944378728

Python 2.2.1 ...

filter2:   5.40253108615
filter2t:  4.38322776899
filter2l:  4.40173851257
filter3t:  4.32153526376
filter3l:  4.26489291133

filter3l is the fastest in both cases. filter3l also has the advantage of
working in any Python version.

Note: in filter3t and filter3l I original defined a nested function, but
this made the function perform worse than filter2t and filter2l - presumably
due to needing to bind the function name, then look it up for the map call.

Tim Delaney

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