text search again??????????

John Hunter jdhunter at nitace.bsd.uchicago.edu
Sat Jun 22 10:03:03 EDT 2002

>>>>> "jubafre" == jubafre  <jubafre at zipmail.com.br> writes:

    jubafre> self.text.search(st, 0.0, regexp='true') is it correct???
    jubafre> i´m not a exact string, i´m searchin for winzip, but in
    jubafre> the text appears WinZip and the search doesn´t work, how
    jubafre> use regexp flag?????

What kind of object is self.text?  You say, 'I'm not a exact
string'. I'm not either, but this confuses me in the context of your

My guess is that self.text is a string, and you'll be fine with the
string 'find' method.  You don't need a regex to search for 'winzip'.

self.text.lower().find('winzip') will do a case insensitive search for
winzip and return the index into the string, or '-1' if nothing is
found.  self.text.find('WinZip') will do a case sensitive search.

If self.text is a rgx object, then you could use it's search method,
but the syntax would be:

self.text = re.compile('WinZip')  # see the docs for case insensitive
self.text.search(s)               # s is the string you want to search.

But if this is the case, text would be a bad name.

self.rgxWinzip would be better than self.text.

Good luck,
John Hunter

The re search method:

`search(string[, pos[, endpos]])'
     Scan through STRING looking for a location where this regular
     expression produces a match, and return a corresponding
     `MatchObject' instance.  Return `None' if no position in the
     string matches the pattern; note that this is different from
     finding a zero-length match at some point in the string.

     The optional POS and ENDPOS parameters have the same meaning as
     for the `match()' method.

The string find method:  

`find(s, sub[, start[,end]])'
     Return the lowest index in S where the substring SUB is found such
     that SUB is wholly contained in `S[START:END]'.  Return `-1' on
     failure.  Defaults for START and END and interpretation of
     negative values is the same as for slices.

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