socket.inet_aton - bug?

Donn Cave donn at
Tue Jun 18 16:23:29 EDT 2002

Quoth "Steve Holden" <sholden at>:
| "Uwe Mayer" <merkosh at> wrote ...
|> socket.inet_ntoa() accepts the string '\xff\xff\xff\xff' which is
|> excactly the same i'd expect socket.inet_aton('') to
|> produce if it accepted the string '' as an IP adress.
|> socket.inet_aton() dies with socket.error "illegal IP adress".
|> i know this is no valid ip adress, but it is a valid netmask. the
|> purpose of converting the netmask to a binary format was that i wanted
|> to isolate the subnet of an ip adress.
|> i wanted to use test_ip & netmask == ip_range to allow subnets to access
|> a tcp server.
|> is there another way of controlling this or why does socket.inet_aton()
|> behave like that?
| I can't really tell you why socket does that, but it seems to be a feature
| of the underlying C socket library, which is where inet_aton() is defined.

Yes (you mean "C socket module", I suppose - at first I thought you were
pointing to the C library inet_aton.)  The good news is that it's only
this one value, which happens to be identical to INADDR_NONE, and that
this value is reliably -1.  So at worst, there's a work-around.

| The address is, in fact, a valid destination for a
| restricted broadcast (one which should be sent out only to hosts on the
| local LAN).

	Donn Cave, donn at

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