Win32 Registry Manipulation w/PythonWin?

Tim Daneliuk tundra at
Wed Jul 10 19:10:02 EDT 2002

David LeBlanc wrote:
> OOps, I saw this after I posted my pointer to _winreg...
> I was confused in part by the mention of PythonWin - that's not needed to do
> registry stuff with the standard winreg module.
> What exactly are you trying to accomplish with the registry? Manipulating
> the registry isn't all that hard, but if you do scramble it, it's a Very Bad
> thing. One thing you should do before testing registry manipulation code is
> to make an emergency repair disk - this (IIRC) will also offer the option of
> making a backup of the registry.
> David LeBlanc
> Seattle, WA USA

I want to write a program which goes to specific registry locations and
scrubs out the MRU cruft left behind by so many programs.  So, for example,
say I've edited a bunch of Word docs, I want to run a script from the scheduler
which periodically goes in and removes the MRU entries.

Tim Daneliuk
tundra at

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