curses-based menu module?

Joseph A Knapka jknapka at
Wed Jul 3 00:50:48 EDT 2002

Skip Montanaro wrote:
>     Terry> Curses itself seems really easy to use, but is kind of a
>     Terry> low-level interface.  Clearly, I will be well-served to make a
>     Terry> higher-level interface for creating and using menus.  But I have
>     Terry> a couple of questions:
>     Terry> Am I reinventing the wheel? Is there already a high-level
>     Terry> interface available (this seems rather likely, though I haven't
>     Terry> found one).
> Dunno, but the first place I'd look is anygui:
> Checking the platforms page:
> suggests that curses is a working platform.

It was, in version 0.1. It's not working in 0.2 yet.
Very little is working in 0.2 so far, due to major
architectural changes. (Changes for the better, I
might add.)

Anygui 0.1 did not even attempt to support menus of the
drop-down cascading variety, so the curses binding
didn't support menus, although it did support all the
other Anygui widgets, including radio buttons, listboxes,
and checkboxes. You might be able to put together
frames supporting all the menu-like functionality
you need using those other widgets.

I am in the process of hacking together a curses binding
for Anygui 0.2, which should include menus. It's slow,
though, because I don't have a lot of time to give to
it just now.

If someone else produces a menuing system for curses
under Python, I'd love to steal it.

-- Joe

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