Generic vector aggregates

Ingo Blank spam at
Mon Jul 8 21:30:26 EDT 2002


I want to implement a generic vector aggregate function for dyadic operators
like this:

## -- dyadic operators (primitives)

def add(a,b):
 return a + b

def  mul(a,b):
 return a * b

def inc(a,b):
 return a + 1

## -- generic aggregate

def aggregate(f,v,start=0):
 a = start
 for x in v:
  a = apply(f,(a,x))
 return a

## -- 2nd order callers

def sum(v):
 return aggregate(add,v,0)

def prod(v):
 return aggregate(mul,v,1)

def count(v):
 return aggregate(inc,v,0)

... and so on...

Q:  How can I refer to the built in arithmetic operators "+","*" etc.
    This would save the additional dispatching step, without the need to
    "add","mul" etc.


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