j2ee vs. python (and what our evil competitors are saying about python)

Cameron Laird claird at starbase.neosoft.com
Mon Jul 8 20:15:46 EDT 2002

In article <96c7f32.0207081518.52ea644a at posting.google.com>,
curt finch <curt at journyx.com> wrote:
>Our free web timesheet app is written totally in Python.  
>One of our competitors is saying the following
>things about python to our customers.  Help me make them look stupid. 
>Python is often used as pseudocode to conduct rapid development. Its
>major users are web sites that do not reuse code and often conduct
>“throw away” development to meet internet development time
>tables. It is a very new language and has very little support compared
>to the Java development community. It is also not J2EE compliant.
		[much more]
Python has plenty of problems.  I advise against it
for specific clients.

What this person has written, though, is so ridicu-
lous as to beg serious, detailed rebuttal.  To begin,
Python's nearly twice as old as Java.  Java's major
users are college students who still don't pay for
their own housing (or, at least, that's as true as
the quoted slander).  The person who wrote the comments
above cannot, I'll speculate, coherently answer whether
Java itself is J2EE-compliant.

Cameron Laird <Cameron at Lairds.com>
Business:  http://www.Phaseit.net
Personal:  http://starbase.neosoft.com/~claird/home.html

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