decoding XML-ified special chars such as "

Christopher chris_mk at
Tue Jul 30 18:14:35 EDT 2002

Well,  I seem to remember seeing something else, but here is what I
Look in the HTMLParser.HTMLParser class for the function unescape...

def unescape(self, s):
        if '&' not in s:
            return s
        s = s.replace("<", "<")
        s = s.replace(">", ">")
        s = s.replace("'", "'")
        s = s.replace(""", '"')
        s = s.replace("&", "&") # Must be last
        return s

That's it.  Looks like it was just a string substitution like I
mentioned earlier to Gabe in an email.  I'm actually pretty sure there
is another way somewhere, I just can't remember where.  Sorry.


PS you can use it as follows:

>>> import HTMLParser
>>> test = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
>>> test.unescape('abc < def')
'abc < def'

"Gabe Newcomb" <Gabe.Newcomb at> wrote in message news:<mailman.1027968580.20805.python-list at>...
> Is there a module to take strings such as ", & and turn them
> into the characters they normally represent (', &)?
> Gabe Newcomb
> Software Test Automation Engineer
> 425.372.2732
> Noetix Corporation
> after years of waiting, nothing came

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