Rating a developer

Milos Prudek milos.prudek at tiscali.cz
Fri Jul 26 05:56:45 EDT 2002


This should be fun:

I would like to know how I rate as a Python developer. I think I'm a 
poor developer, so you can't hurt my feelings! Attached is a small 
program that I created. The task that it should solve is described below.

Technical translators often translate texts with repetitive phrases. 
This program must scan a plain text file word by word and find repeated 
words. Then it must scan the same file letter by letter and find 
repeated phrases and repeated parts of words.

My solution is very slow. It is all I could create within 8 hours. I 
could optimize it more, but it would take considerably more time, given 
my IQ.

1. Rate me as a developer on a scale of 9 to 1, where 9 is "a genius I 
would die to hire", 5 is "an average guy, could be hired for grunt 
work", 1 is "not skilled enough to be a developer".

2. Estimate pay rate I could earn (hourly, daily, or monthly). Consider 
that the attached program took me 8 hours to create and debug.

Milos Prudek
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