switch recipe?

Mark McEahern mark at mceahern.com
Fri Jul 12 16:25:40 EDT 2002

> the template variable ......

Good point, that certainly could have been explained better.  For what it's
worth, in the original post in the other thread, I provided a list of the
features that were used so that anyone who wanted to investigate could do a
little searching to learn more.  I could have spent more time compiling that
list.  Thanks for the feedback.

> I always seem to have a semi violent reaction when I see locals().

Hmm, this may sound naive, but I don't understand why.  Consider these
admittedly cobbled examples:

def colorize1(value, color):
  template = "<%(color)s>%(value)s</%(color)s>"
  return template % locals()

def colorize2(value, color):
  template = "<%(color)s>%(value)s</%(color)s>"
  return template % {'color': color, 'value': value}

def colorize3(value, color):
  template = "<%s>%s</%s>"
  return template % (color, value, color)

That's the precise order in which I'd rank them.  <wink>

What could possibly be wrong with the use of locals() in colorize1()?


// mark


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