Refer to function name (newbie ques)

Pete Shinners pete at
Thu Jul 25 11:35:39 EDT 2002

chris ciotti wrote:
> Is there a way to get the name of the running function?  In a  script
> I'm doing some error checking and I want to be able to name the
> function that screws up.  Something like:

one problem is if the function has multiple names...

     def foo():
         print 'In Foo'
     bar = foo

of course, this if very uncommon. i think the only way to get at this info 
would be to dig into a stack trace. this may end up being more helpful 
anyways, because you can also print out who has called your function.

     import traceback
     def foo():
         stack = traceback.extract_stack()
         print 'Inside Function:', stack[-1][2]
         print ' Called By:', stack[-2][2], ' line:', stack[-2][1]

the traceback module was added sometime around python-2.1 (i think?) so 
this won't work with older pythons. docs are here,

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