loading of modules in jython 2.1 !?

Nicolas Duchastel nicolas at otelnet.com
Mon Jul 15 14:40:19 EDT 2002

3 questions about how to start JYTHON and where it reads module from.
Any help would be greatly welcomed.
I tried the FAQs and other resources and I never found anything.

P.S. adding this to FAQ would be great: i.e. the reason I am posting
     now is that I often get these kinds of problems and always end-up
     trying a zillion things and "mysteriously" fixing it. I never
     understand why and how it got fixed (e.g. some times I simply
     copy a bunch of files to my local dir!!), and I am pretty sure
     that I am not the only one out there (i.e. cry for help! :))



1- why is my local registry file (e.g. ~/.jpython) not read when I
   start script as:
         jython myfile.py
   but it does work if I do:

2- when is the CLASSPATH (or PYTHONPATH) env variables used by
   jython; if it is ever used !?

3- why do I get different results depending if I start script directly
   or by 1st calling jython !?
      e.g.  "jython myfile.py"  is different than "./myfile.py"

I have a jython file called:   myTestCase.py. It is executable and has as it's
first line of text:
   #! /usr/bin/env/ jpython

It use a bunch of utilities that we have written; these are all found
under some directory called /export/home7/Tools/CSP/train/OTelCORE/lib:
  e.g. util.py     (yeah! I know, its not a great name! :))

I have different behaviours based on how I call this script; and I don't
know why. Can anyone help.

a) ./myTestCase.py  -> doesn't work

     Traceback (innermost last):
       File "./myTestCase.py", line 12, in ?
       File "/export/home7/Tools/CSP/train/OTelCORE/lib/util.py", line 8, in ?
     AttributeError: java package 'org.apache' has no attribute 'oro'

  that's because util.py has line 8 which reads:
     from org.apache.oro.text.regex import *

  I then add the path to my Jython 2.1 distribution and I now get another

     Traceback (innermost last):
       File "./1.2-sendOneMsg.py", line 12, in ?
       File "/export/home7/Tools/CSP/train/OTelCORE/lib/util.py", line 8, in ?
     TypeError: can not dir a java directory package

  I have a ~myuser/.jpython file which has the proper "python.path" stuff
  to point to /export/home7/.../lib. I know that this file is read since
  when I change another property such as "python.verbose", the display
  does change!!

b) if I try by using jython directly -> does work, but needs lots of work!
       i.e.     jython ./myTestCase.py

   it first complains that it can't find 'results.py': i.e. that's a module
   which was loaded BEFORE util.py!!! It worked before!!

      import: 'results' not found (ImportError)
      Traceback (innermost last):
        File "1.2-sendOneMsg.py", line 10, in ?
      ImportError: no module named results

   It seems that this time around my registry information at ~myuser/.jpython
   is completely ignored (i.e. I don't get the verbose stuff on the display).


   Anyway, if I had the extra dir to my classpath:
      setenv CLASSPATH "${CLASSPATH}:/export/home7/..../lib"

   I still get the same thing! i.e. can't find the results.py (or the util.py
   I would guess) even though the previous one did !!

   The only way I get it to work is if I do:

      jython -Dpython.path=/export/home7/Tools/.../lib ./myTestCase.py

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