Debugging Embedded Python

Mark Charsley mark.charsley at
Wed Jul 17 05:40:00 EDT 2002

In article <memo.20020712144413.1996A at a.a>, 
mark.charsley at (Mark Charsley) wrote:

> We've got a (win32) C++ program that has an embedded python interpreter 
> that runs a bunch of scripts. We've been asked to enable it's users to 
> run the python scripts under a debugger, allowing the users to put in 
> breakpoints, examine/alter values etc.


Thanks all for your advice. Have finally got the pythonWin debugger 
working. Not in my original executable, mind you (which still acts as if 
the breakpoint had been hit, the debugger brought up and then instantly 
shutdown by the user), but in a second executable which uses the same 
source files and, as far as I've been able to tell, the same compiler 

Don't you just love working with a completely deterministic, fully 
predictable systems :-)


Mark - personal opinion only, could well be wrong, not representing 
company, don't sue us etc. etc.

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