namespaces in python

Peter Hansen peter at
Tue Jul 16 07:55:37 EDT 2002

Jeff Davis wrote:
> Is there a way to put functions and variables in a different namespace
> without putting it in a seperate file or instantiating a new object? Is
> there a way to have static methods that don't require instantiating the
> object first?
> I just want a clean way to divide up my modules a bit without cluttering up
> the filesystem (or requiring seperate i/o operations to fetch several
> files).

While you've got some interesting responses from others, I want to
ask "Is it really that bad a thing?".  The filesystem, after all, 
is _there_ to be "cluttered up" with files.  And what is wrong with
separate I/O operations?  This is Python, so it can't be that performance
is that big a concern, so what's wrong about fetching a few files?

I ask only because this sounds like swimming against the current,
without even the benefit of that nice moment when you breed and die
after you reach the spawning grounds.  :)


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