Thanks to the distutils dev team!

Rick Muller rpm at
Tue Jul 2 14:54:45 EDT 2002

I finally got a chance to play around with building python modules using 
the distutils package (only about two years after they came out with the 
package, which is remarkably up to date for me). I'd like to thank 
everyone who worked on the package -- really is remarkable and 
professionally done. To think that I can just type 'python 
build' and get working modules on every platform I own! I had always 
been a Makefile kind of guy, and had figured that whoever came up with 
the distutils simply had too much time on their hands. But then, after 
having gotten an Apple OS X box to play with, and not being able to 
figure out all of the different flags that I was supposed to use to 
build modules, I rolled up my sleeves and learned how to make a 
script. Wonderful, and my sincerest thanks for the effort the team put 
into this.


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