How to detect the last element in a for loop

Roy Smith roy at
Sun Jul 28 11:21:17 EDT 2002

Tom Verbeure <tom.verbeure at> wrote:
> say, 10 lines of code. Too much to duplicate it outside the loop, not 
> enough for a separate function...

Why is 10 lines of code not enough for a separate function?  I use 
functions to group code into conceptual blocks that can be thought about 
and understood as a unit.  Sometimes that block is 100 lines of code, 
sometimes it's 3 or 4 lines.  I've even written one-line functions.  
Whatever makes sense to factor out as an atomic unit.  Line count has 
little to do with it.

I'm not quite as rabid about it as the XP'er are with "Refactor 
Mercilessly", but (like so much with XP) the basic idea has merit if you 
don't try to be too extreme about it :-)

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