Securing SimpleXMLRPCServer?

Brian Quinlan brian at
Mon Jul 8 12:39:28 EDT 2002

> OK, I apologise in advance for appearing dense.  I've added the code
> that was supplied by Brian, and the server script appears to run OK.
> However, the client script displays the following error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> xmlrpclib.Fault: <Fault 1: 'UnknownIP:Client IP Is Not Authorised'>

OK, it looks like the server is rejecting the client's IP address.

> The server script:
> import sys, os, SimpleXMLRPCServer, string
> class AuthenticatingSimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler
> (SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler):
>     def _dispatch(self,method,params):
>         self.UnknownIP = "UnknownIP"
>         if not (self.client_address == "" or
> self.client_address == "localhost" ):
>             raise self.UnknownIP, "Client IP Is Not Authorised"
>         else:

1. The IP check would be more readable if you wrote it like:

if self.client_address not in ["", "localhost"]:

2. For debugging purposes, try adding the following line:

def _dispatch(self, method, params):
+	print 'client_address: %r' % self.client_address

Then rerun your server and client to see why your server is rejecting
your client's address.


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