A better self

Andreas Kostyrka andreas at kostyrka.priv.at
Wed Jul 24 11:05:28 EDT 2002

Am Sam, 2002-07-20 um 17.33 schrieb Louis M. Pecora:
> So, only the Python secret brotherhood gets to see The List?
Well, it's better this way. The List [of speedup tricks] contains
usually ugly things. :)

So it's quite correct that it is only presented to the truebelievers. :)

There is number of things, but the more important things to keep in

- function calls are relativly expensive in Python. At least compared to
more static and compiled languages.
- immutable objects need to be copied to be modified.
  str1+str2+str3+str4+str5+str6+str7+str8 is usually slower than
- every dot access is a dictionary lookup. And python usually cannot do 
  constant folding, etc., because every call is dynamic:
  So instead of
  for i in xrange(<huge value>):
  one might write:
  for i in xrange(<huge value>):

There are certainly other rules, but these are the ones that came to my
mind. :)


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