redistributing python COM servers

Uncle Enzo uncleenzo at
Thu Jul 11 11:55:25 EDT 2002


Can anyone point me to a list of best practices for redistributing
python COM servers? or a "gotchas" list?

I'm especially interested in the following issue-- the registry
entries required for the servers to be properly installed can be
written manually by your installer, or the servers can be asked to
"self-register" (and unregister on uninstall) in a custom action step.
The first option is more explicit and makes installer saftey
validation and verification by third parties easier without actually
running the installer, while the second option seems, well, easier :)

Also, does anyone know of a page or book out there that documents the
*exact* registry entries for each COM local server exe? (and windows
platform differences, if any?)

Thanks in advance,


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