C++/Python version problems?

David Smith nospam at nonesuch.com
Wed Jul 31 16:38:37 EDT 2002

I'm running Python 2.2.1 under Linux, and successfully interfaced my C++ 
procedures into Python.  Then I got more aggressive with the templates, and 
g++2.95 wouldn't compile it.  So I got g++ 3.0, and it compiles -- I used 
distutils/setup.py to make the shared object file.  But, now when I try to 
import my module, I get the error message:

    ImportError: ./cfuncs.so: undefined symbol: __gxx_personality_v0

Does this maybe have to do with Python being compiled under an older g++, or 
being linked with an older library?  Any suggestions as to what I should do?

David Smith
drs at labs dot agilent dot com  <- hopefully doesn't trigger spambots

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