XML overuse? (was Re: Python to XML to Python conversion)

James Kew james.kew at btinternet.com
Wed Jul 17 18:52:50 EDT 2002

"Clark C . Evans" <cce at clarkevans.com> wrote in message
news:mailman.1026869066.6456.python-list at python.org...

> I think the hype of XML will start to backfire as people
> realize that its function isn't magical, and that their
> particular solution isn't all that useable.   The information
> model fits documents well, but is a poor match for object
> serialization, which is 90% of the use cases programmers
> face.

Um: 90%? What sort of use cases do you see programmers forcing XML into?

Just curious: I fall into the "XML as poor-man's database/parser" camp at
the moment but I'm finding that for a poor man's solution it does quite a
good job with not much programmer effort to glue it together.

Should I feel guilty for not learning lex/yacc? Or should I rejoice in my
batteries-included (or at least, batteries-downloaded-from-SourceForge)
pragmatism? I'm feeling a bit of both at the moment...


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