uniform interface for MySQL & MSSQL

Johann observer at NOSPAM.space.pl
Mon Jul 15 10:45:24 EDT 2002

I would like to write a hybrid application which works on Linux and
Windows platform so I need the same API for SQL (MySQL and MSSQL2K). I
would like to use Python Database API Specification v2.0
(http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0249.html) and I found a nice
implementation such interface at
http://www.nmt.edu/tcc/help/lang/python/dbhelpers.html. The problem is
there is no mssql module, only sybase, oracle and mysql. I tried to
use sybase on mssql but it's does not work because I have "no ctsybase
Python module". 
I do not want to use odbc because I want to move internal db cursor by
arbitrally number of records.


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