is attribute access a hash-lookup by name?

Greg Ewing see_reply_address at something.invalid
Wed Jul 3 00:53:28 EDT 2002

Steven Shaw wrote:

> As I understand it, in Python, an object is an associative array or
> hash. I imagine this means that every attribute access is a
> hash-lookup by name.


> Does the implementation optimise this away
> somehow?

Currently, the only optimisation is that variable
names mentioned in code are interned, so their
hash function is only computed once, and they can
be compared for equality with a pointer comparison.

> Is there a way to have structs/records in Python where the members of
> the struct are looked up by offset (not by name)?

Yes -- use a list or tuple.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept,
University of Canterbury,	
Christchurch, New Zealand

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