GUI toolkits

Lamy Jean-Baptiste jiba at
Thu Jul 25 07:03:04 EDT 2002

Dans l'article <yLv%8.23058$s74.614012 at>, "Stefano
Vedovelli" <spinwing at> a écrit :

> As the interface will be "quite" rich, I'd like to know the opinions of
> people who already faced this decision, which tool they have chosen and
> why.

I have tried Gtk, wxWindow and Tk, and finally the last one is the one i

wxWindow has a VERY big startup time (tested under Linux), and i don't like waiting for an
application to open.

Gtk is good looking and Glade is helpfull, though Gtk 2 is absolutely not
compatible with the widely used Gtk 1 -- the Python binding for Gtk 1 and
2 cannot be installed at the same time, and supporting both Gtk 1 and 2
is very hard... :-(

Tk is faster (and start up quickly), easier and the most portable. Sure
it lacks some widgets (trees, ...) but there's plenty Python modules that
give these feature. In fact, the only default i can find to Tk is its
non-themable look and feel.


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