How to organize test cases with PyUnit

Donnal Walter donnal at
Sat Jul 20 08:41:15 EDT 2002

Peter Hansen <peter at> wrote:
> Roy Smith wrote:
> > Peter Hansen <peter at> wrote:
> > > Rename the runTest()
> > > method to start with the text "test", and then change the __main__
> > > content to be simply 'unittest.main()' instead of the
> > > that you have.
> > 
> > OK, that seemed to work, even though I'm still not sure I understand all
> > the subtleties of what's going on, and what role all the various classes
> > (TestCase, TestSuite, TestResult, TestLoader, etc) play.
> I don't really either, but I've never needed to.  Basically just subclass
> TestCase and do the above and you may never need to either. :)

Yes, it's all very confusing to me. I love unit tests, but I've been
unable to grok the API for TestSuites. Let's say I have a module named
"" and a corresponding test module "" with the
following code:

import unittest
from cell import Cell

class Test(unittest.TestCase):

    def test1(self):
        x = Cell()
        self.failUnless(isinstance(x, Cell))

    def test2(self):
        assert_(1 != 2)

if __name__ == '__main__':

This is just as Peter suggested above, and I can run this unit test
from the command line just fine. But, now let's say that I want to
make it part of a test suite by adding the following code to

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import unittest
    import unit.cell_unit
    ts = unittest.TestSuite()

Now I get the following error:
ValueError: no such test method in unit.cell_unit.Test: runTest

unless I add a runTest definition to cell_unit.Test:

    def runTest(self):

Somehow I don't think this is how it was intended to be used, but so
far it is the only way I can figure out to make it work. Can anyone
tell me what am I doing wrong?

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