win32com: makepy causes ie problems.

David LeBlanc whisper at
Thu Jul 18 21:50:24 EDT 2002

While trying to figure out how to make the recently posted (by Paul Rubin)
ie navigation example work, I had occasion to run on "Microsoft
Internet Controls". After doing this, the sample would fail on "ie.visible =
1". Removing the generated file would return the sample to working order.

from win32com.client import DispatchEx
import time

ie = DispatchEx('internetexplorer.application')
ie.visible = 1

time.sleep(2)	# let the browser get to it, but sloppy - how to wait on
browser ready?

dom = ie.document

I'm also interested, as the comment suggests, on how to wait for a browser
to finish navigating before I query it's state? Come to think of it, is
there any way to get back an error status like <ahem> "403"? :)

David LeBlanc
Seattle, WA USA

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