Corrupt mxODBC installation?

Jose Correia correia_j at
Thu Jul 4 16:44:44 EDT 2002

Decided to finally upgrade to Python 2.2.1 (from 1.5.2) and downloaded
latest versions of everything incl mxBase 2.0.3 and mxODBC 2.0.4 Windows
installer packages.

Problem is the mxODBC module seems to be corrupt.  The mx stuff is installed
under the \site-packages\mx\ directory.
Results on NT4 SP6 with (ActiveState) Python 2.2.1 build 222 installed:

>>> sys.path
['', 'D:\\Python\\lib\\site-packages\\Pythonwin',
'D:\\Python\\DLLs', 'D:\\Python\\lib',
'D:\\Python\\lib\\lib-tk', 'D:\\Python']

>>> import mx.ODBC.Windows

>>> dbc = mx.ODBC.Windows.Connect('configdb', user='', password='',
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Connect'

>>> mx.ODBC.Windows
<module 'mx.ODBC.Windows' from 'mx\ODBC\Windows\__init__.pyc'>

>>> mx.ODBC.Windows.__file__

>>> dir(mx.ODBC.Windows)
['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__path__']


This last bit shows that there is indeed no "Connect" in the module.  My
previous version (also 1.5.2) on another machine shows loads of
functions,etc when I used the dir() command on it.

Does this sound like there's a problem with the module or am I completely
missing something here?

Been googling for prior version of the package but couldn't find any
anywhere.  If anyone has a link please let me know (any other suggestions
would be welcome too, trying to beat the clock on this one).  Alternatively,
please e-mail the package (if my version size is correct it's only 130k). If
emailing, remove Z's in address.

Thanks in advance,


correia_jZ at

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